High Quality Birkin 25 Front Flap Yellow Gold Hardware Belt Detail - Replica Hermes Light Grey Togo Leather Turn Lock Tote Bag
This replica bag from Hermès is versatile enough to go with just about anything. Elegance is what you call this bag, it's embellished with grey Togo leather accents, a gold turn lock and a fancy front flap adorning this sophisticated and stylish imitation Birkin 25 bag that complements your outfit and creates your own style quotient.
Availability: In stock
Color | Grey |
Handbag Exterior | Light Grey Togo Leather Patchwork Copy Handbag With Yellow Gold Plated Hardware, Petaloid Front Flap, Two Straps With Center Turn Lock Closure, Clochette With Lock And Two Keys, And Double Rolled Top Handles |
Gender | Women's |
Material | Togo Leather |
Style | Street Fashion, Sweet Lady |
Texture | Leather Belt, Metallic |
Handbag Closure | Turn Lock Closure |
Handbag Dimension | W25XH20XD13(cm) |
Handbag Interior | Leather Lining With Zipper Pocket And Open Flat Pocket |
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